Latest News
The login system has been repaired, all logins should work as well as new subscriptions. Apologies for the long downtime!
Signups are still broken. Working hard to get it fixed. It is a bureaucratic nightmare; to make a long story short I have to go through all the docs as if I am starting from scratch as a new client. It's maddening.
We have migrated most things to the new server and gotten it working properly. BUT the scripts that control new password additions are not working and need to be reinstalled by CCBill. There is a bureaucratic hitch to that which I am waiting on before they can begin. So... PLEASE DO NOT SIGN UP for a new account just yet!!! I will post another notice as soon as this is fixed. Thanks for your patience! In the meantime I will begin adding all the updates that I could not upload while code was broken.
Testing 123
Server maintenance. Some updates may be missing and some bugs may happen. Hope to have it all resolved over the weekend. Thanks for your patience!
Problems uploading updates, suspect it is from lack of 2025 in the database. Working to fix it...
Hurricane Milton is bearing down on us. I may be out of electricity and internet again for several days.
Internet has been restored but not electricity; I am still on generator power here. More updates as things improve.
Hurricane Helene is making a run right for us. This will be the third one in a year. I expect to be without electricity for several days so I will upload what I can. If next week comes and there are no new posts, it means the power is still out. Thanks for your patience!
We're working on some server fixes so if things go weird please let me know!
Apologies for the late updates-- Hurricane Debby knocked out the power, internet, and cel signals here for several days. The flooding is still severe. Fortunately things are working here again.
The upload problem has been fixed and all images are up to date. Thanks for your patience!
Something is broken which is preventing upload of new images, so unfortunately the update can't go up tonight. Hopefully we will get it fixed soon.
We're still having some problems with the login system. Hopefully will be resolved today. If you have any problems please email
Server maintenance, some things are broken. Please send screenshots of errors if you get them to thanks!